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5 great books about creativity
5 mins
books books creativity improvisation mathematics
Here are five great books about creativity. These are very good books where you can experience different aspect of creativity: How it became a culture in a creative company like Pixar (Creativity Inc), how one person can fight to maintain it in a huge industry (Orbiting the Giant Hairball), the importance of mistakes in the creative process (The Art of Making Mistakes), how an author can make crazy idea with everyday things (H2G2) and finally in the best example of Art&Science I know, magic (Magical Mathematics).
The art of Making Mistakes, book review
5 mins
books books creativity improvisation mistakes
As a Chief Technical Officer, I see my job as trying to notice as fast as possible our new mistakes and adapt. Working in an unknown environment with new technologies, avoiding mistakes is impossible. We do mistakes, all the time. Everything fails all the time. Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon Web Services However, even in this environment, we can be sometimes scared to try something new because of the fear of failure, this is a human reflex that probably helped our ancestor to survive while dangerous animals ate more risky individuals.
5 great books about acting
4 mins
books books acting improvisation
Here are 5 excellent books about acting. More than being only to learn how to acts, these books explore human behaviors and how to bring these behaviors on stage. Also, if you don’t perform, since improvisation is anywhere there is human communication you would be surprised how much you can learn from them. Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part # Michael Shurtleff has been casting director for Broadway, and this is his book on advice on how to succeed at an audition.
The leader's feedback
3 mins
Leadership leadership books feedback
I recently read the Guide to One to One Meetings by Claire Lew from Know Your Company. One of the best question to ask according to the guide is about manager feedback : Would you like more or less direction from me? As managers, we crave feedback from our employees but I never thought of asking this question directly. I used to ask for this kind of feedback in a team setting with [retrospectives] ( https://www.